
ASP.Net Framework Important Things to Know

ASP.Net Framework: Important Things to Know

In a world full of technologies and tools ready to aid you in any business, it is of importance that you choose the correct one, in accordance to your individual needs. In the web development niche, there are a number of frameworks which have their unique advantages and disadvantages, and since you would be investing in such tools now or in the near future, it’s extremely important that you know about it all.

Why Choose ASP.Net Framework?
When it comes to searching a framework for creating web pages and web technologies, it doesn’t get any better than choosing Active Server Pages.Net framework. You don’t need to search for its credibility since it’s developed by Microsoft. If you want to create a dynamic website for your business, you should choose ASP.Net.

ASP.Net: Pros and Cons
Before picking ASP.Net as your preferred tool for web development, you should know it’s benefits, as well as the drawbacks you would face. Let’s have a look:


Speed: What makes ASP.Net a powerful tool is the speed it offers to the users. You can get started and have your web application launched in no time with ASP.Net. As most web developers are occupied with work round the clock, speed is of the utmost importance.

Storage Customization Options: With some older frameworks for web development, customizing storage was an unsolvable problem that made the frameworks less efficient. Such is not the case with ASP.Net.

Asynchronous Support: A huge number of APIs in the ASP.Net framework are asynchronous, which can be counted as another unique benefit for the users who choose this framework.


Windows: This is amongst the demerits with the least impact on the end product. Many developers dislike the form followed by ASP.Net, which is that of Windows.

Security Features: Keeping all the benefits aside, this is something which raises some concerns as ASP.Net lacks on security features which other frameworks provide. ASP.Net will surely be working to introduce new features soon.

IuserRoleStore: Another unwanted feature that overcomplicates easy things in the framework. Even though it is an optional interface, users still need to use it for including explicit role support.