
Key Aspects of A Voice User Interface Design

A Brief Guide to Voice User Interface Design

The VUI (Voice User Interface) is a futuristic technology which enables a user to use voice commands for interacting with a system. Some common examples that you would already be familiar with include Google Assistant, Amazon’s Alexa, and Apple’s Siri.

Voice User Interface: The Future

VUI is considered as a potential game changer due to its commands helping the user to maneuver eye-free and hands-free. With more than 4 million devices already equipped with Google Assistant, along with the emergence of Cortona, Alexa, and Siri, the audience has also accepted voice user interface with appreciation. Given below are the key aspects of VUI which help us in understanding why you must include this feature in your apps.

Speaking is more preferred than Typing

Typing is developed from the use of typewriters and thus has its origin in formalities and official works. From there, typing has now become a daily part of our lives as we converse with everybody through our phone’s virtual keyboards. To bring some naturality back into conversations, VUI seems to be a great start!

Further Technological Enhancement

With the emergence of VUI, companies have now started to formulate means to enable users to unlock garage doors, order appointments, food deliveries, and even start your smart vehicle. This change can transform the relations between humans and machines through voice recognition.

Solutions for Specially-Abled

Voice User Interface has also emerged as a long-awaited solution for those who have been sidelined for a long time due to the inability to type and text. Thus, more customers can now easily consume the technological benefits and have access to key features all the time.

VUI: Challenges Faced

One of the most difficult aspects to tackle in VUI is the voice itself. When compared to words used in typing, speech can be considered as a much more complex mode of communication. It is so because of the various accents, numerous dialects, and pauses that a user might take while speaking.
Integrating features that include figures of speech, accents, intonations, etc, is an uphill task but within a decade, we would be able to witness the pinnacle of VUI as it would gradually foreshadow other search options for users.